Partner with VaccineCheck

100% User-Authorized Vaccine Verification & Digital Card Issuance
Powered by WellCheck and backed by over 30 years of Enterprise Compliance Technology and Safety experience, VaccineCheck® generates an authenticated digital version of a CDC vaccine card after verifying COVID-19 vaccine history.
Residents can also use VaccineCheck® to upload images of their paper CDC vaccine card for safe digital record-keeping through their smartphone or computer. Data uploads and verification of vaccine history are conducted using the HIPAA-compliant WellCheck platform.
VaccineCheck® makes it easy for individuals to present their health status digitally, while maintaining privacy and security.

Individual can present their health status digitally to gain access anywhere without ever losing control of your medical information. You have total and complete verifiable control over who sees your medical information.

Trusted by local Governments and Law Enforcement. Our encrypted HIPAA-compliant Critical Event Management System currently serves organizations across all industries in 42 States and 7 Countries.

Accessible via QR code and scannable on any device. Stored in our HIPAA compliant cloud environment and accessible anywhere, the authenticated digitized CDC copy in our Verified VacccineCheck® Vault.
Vaccine Data Analytics on Demand
Manage the entire Immunization Lifecycle within your county
Flexible HIPAA Compliant data collection platform capable of systematically notifying individuals or cohorts to reach, screen & route toward healthier lives.


Post-Vaccine Data


Booster Programs
Sampling of Screening Partners

About WellCheck
Essential Safety Screening & Critical Event management
WellCheck was founded as PinPoint in 2016. Based out of Baltimore, Maryland, we provide a full portfolio of solutions designed to protect, prepare & secure.
Ahead of COVID-19, our HIPAA-compliant mobile device health exchange platform launched, enabling remote wellness visits, essential safety screening and secure communication in an emergency situation.
We have been providing trusted recognition of employees COVID-19 compliance status since March 2020.